Beat Anxiety
& Stress

Solution-Focused Approach to Solving Anxiety

It’s Your Time To Turn Inward

Brief and effective treatment to attain calmness & freedom from the grips of anxiety


Dealing with anxiety and stress is debilitating.

  • You’re always on edge.
  • Constantly overwhelmed.
  • And overthinking absolutely everything.


Anxiety isn’t just worrying; it’s like your body hits the panic button trying to get control, and suddenly, you’re stuck in overdrive, completely frozen by fear. You feel helpless, powerless and even paralysed.

Ultimately, anxiety and stress take a heavy toll,
making each day a relentless battle.

Feeling Anxious & Stressed - The Inward Process

Are some of these anxiety symptoms relatable to you?

  • You find yourself out of control?

  • You run limiting thoughts like; “I’m anxious.. I’m stressed.. and Anxiety runs in my family..”

  • You have a harsh inner voice?

  • You overanalyse absolutely everything? Like you’re always preoccupied with “what ifs?”

  • You have panic attacks? Feeling completely paralysed and hopeless

  • You catastrophise? Imagining everything going wrong.

  • You find yourself avoiding certain situations out of fear?

  • You can’t decide the right decision to make?

  • You feel responsible for things beyond your control?

  • You’re not sure what to do, or even if you can get through it?

Why is anxiety so common now?

In today’s fast-paced world, there’s so much going on.

  • Rising costs of living,
  • Expectations from family & friends,
  • And the endless number of responsibilities we have to deal with.


It’s no wonder people feel tired, overwhelmed and anxious.

Despite the ever-present nature of stress, we’re never taught how to manage it. Making anxiety a widespread issue. It’s the real pandemic of our time.

Over 2 million Australians experience anxiety every day, so you’re not alone in the struggle.

If you’re suffering from anxiety, think about how it’s impacting you. Without appropriate intervention, many people resort to their coping strategies. Some even turn to addiction for temporary relief. Research shows when anxiety is left untreated for longer than 5 years, there’s a higher chance of becoming clinically depressed.

At The Inward Process, we get what you’re going through, but it doesn’t have to go on. You don’t have an anxious personality, you aren’t broken, and you don’t need to “fix” yourself.

How do we address anxiety?

The good news is, that anxiety is treatable, because at The Inward Process, we recognise anxiety isn’t something that happens to you, nor does it suddenly hit you (even if it understandably does feel like that). Anxiety is not a noun, or a thing that is separate to you. It isn’t something that is catchable like Covid, nor can anxiety be texted or emailed. Anxiety, therefore, is not an identity, but in essence, a verb. A process or a series of steps that the sufferer runs unconsciously. In other words, you have to put together a step by step sequence of thoughts, feelings, and physiological responses in order to create and generate anxiety, stress, or worry. You have to hold a certain amount of tension in the body, exhibit certain patterns, catastrophise and imagine it all going wrong into the future. This leads you to feeling uneasy, because no one ever truly knows what the outcome of the future is actually going to be, and unfortunately because of the way we as humans are wired, when we don’t know something, we tend to overanalyse practically everything, spending all that time in our head. Using our feelings as an indicator of whether something is true or not, and then before you know it, all the signs and symptoms of anxiety start to play out.

However, if anxiety is a series of learned steps, a process that you must do, like any learnt action, emotion, or behaviour – it means that anxiety or stress can be unlearned, treated, managed and finally overcome. Although each individual “runs the pattern” of anxiety slightly differenlyt, these processes or series of steps, are very predictable and well documented in the literature. This is what we target!

Anxiety is a behaviour you have learnt along the way, and you are now running excessively. Take action today to not only stop this, but make this process, a behaviour of the past!

What we offer

  • Personalised sessions with psychoeducation: The sessions are personalised and tailored to what’s going on for you. I’ll teach you in more depth, what anxiety actually is, how anxiety/stress is actually a choice, and therefore what to do about it.

  • Address processes of anxiety: You’ll learn how to manage and overcome the patterns of anxiety/stress that we already know you “run” before you enter the door or online call. You will address other potential comorbid patterns that can make individuals more prone to generating anxiety – such as if you lean towards perfectionism, have a high need for control, or run “black and white”, all or nothing thinking.

  • Increased emotional regulation to regain control: You’ll shift from feeling at the mercy of your anxious thoughts, circumstances, or even anxiety attacks, leaving you free to make decisions with clarity and certainty, instead of fear – through developing key compartmentalisation and emotional regulation skills.

  • Personal and professional growth: Freed from the constraints of anxiety, you’re more able to pursue opportunities, engage in meaningful activities, and achieve personal/professional goals.

  • A lasting transformation that leads to lifelong skills: Forget about just managing anxiety and stress. We’ll empower you, and transforming your perspective on anxiety/stress for good – developing lifelong skills that you will carry for the rest of your life.

A New Way Forward Awaits You!

You’ll know exactly what to do if you ever feel anxious, stressed, or if worry ever shows up uninvited. These patterns just won’t ever have the same effect on you anymore, so you’ll not only feel better, but also do better!

Imagine a life where anxiety, stress and worry no longer dictates the choices you make, where calmness and clarity becomes your new normal. What would that look like? What would that feel like? What new pathways would open up for you? To be able to develop and carry these lifelong skills everywhere you go?.

Let’s make it happen! I invite you to a risk free, 20-minute chat with me. Let’s shift the what if’s, into a life of conscious choice and change, so that you can live life back on your terms. Choosing who you want to be.